BTS lewat karyanya bertajuk Dynamite diketahui telah mendapatkan Billboard Hot 100 beberapa waktu lalu, mereka berhasil mendapatkan 2 minggu rank 1, namun pada minggu ketiga, BTS harus merelakan singgasananya.
Kini, BTS mendapatkan kabar bahagia karena BTS Dynamite berhasil mendapatkan peringkat 1 lagi yang untuk ketiga kalinya.
Mengenang hal tersebut, sejumlah ARMY pun mengenang sebuah pidato yang pernah disampaikan oleh RM dan Jungkook saat BTS berhasil memenangkan penghargaan di MAMA Awards 2018.

Pidato BTS di MAMA Awards 2018
Berikut ini adalah salinan untuk pidato dari RM dan Jungkook di acara MAMA Awards 2018.
Translated by @BTSARMY_Salon
RM: First, ARMYs arround the world who are watching this, we attribute the biggest glory to ARMYs. We received this Album of the Year with honor and this award, not only artists here but also there are many great artists who are working hard to make albums at this moment. We don't think we are better than them or doing better music. We don't think that's the reason why we won this award. We'd like to attribute glory to them as well. There's someone we'd like to mention today. It's the first time to mention him specifically. Our CEO, producer Bang Shiyuk, Hitman Bang. We got nothing when we were trainees, he supported us materially and emotionally from a studio, a practice room, to a dorm and believed in our potential. Also in 2014, when we were nobody, he said, "I considered you as at least Daesang artists before debut, you can be the best artists. I believe in you".
When we left his studio, we laughed a lot. "Perhaps PD nim is having a hard time". People around him also tried to stop him thinking a successful composer is about to end his career here. We'd like to attribute the biggest glory to Producer Bang Sihyuk who believed in us and loved us when we were nobody. PD nim, we love and respect you, and we will continue to walk with you.
Jungkook: First, how was the stage today? Did you like it? We prepared today's really hard thinking about ARMYs. Now we received the album award. We wanted to become proud artists to you, for now as well. As we receive this award, we'd lke to say you can be proud of us. As we continue to release albums, we'd like to comfort and give a strength to you. The Enternal no. 1 in our heart is our ARMYs. Thank you and love you, Thank You!
Selamat ya BTS atas pencapaiannya.