Jungkook menjadi salah satu anggota BTS yang kemarin telah melakukan Live di YouTube. Bila kamu menjadi seorang penggemar yang mungkin terlewat dengan apa yang diucapkan oleh Jungkook, Fakta.id sudah punya rekapannya.

Apa yang Diucapkan Jungkook saat 'Live di YouTube'
Berikut ini adalah sejumlah ungkapan yang dilontarkan oleh Jungkook saat Live di YouTube (21 Oktober 2020) seperti yang sudah dirangkum oleh netizen di Twitter @sebyul:
- Jungkook said he’s gonna not talk for a while because he really likes this moment
- Jungkook says that before he started the live he thought he’d have a lot to say about the MV, but now he’s not really sure what to talk about
- JK says that they had no way to see how well they were doing (performance-wise) outside of monitoring so when they had their concerts he thought “Ah, these were the kinda feelings I used to have”
- Jungkook said he originally planned on having his hair completely slicked back for My Time, but it became completely undone as soon as he started performing
- Jungkook’s summary for his live today: He worked hard to film the MV but it was harder than he thought! But he tried his best!
- Jungkook said he’s doing a live today to talk about the upcoming music video!
- Jungkook said he was MV PM and they did the filming, he talked with the director about it
- Jungkook says he’s honestly a tiny bit embarrassed to say “I filmed the MV! I’m the director!” but he still wanted to do a live today to talk about the process
- Jungkook says there aren’t a lot of cuts that he filmed himself, but he wants to know if ARMYs will be able to guess which parts he filmed! He won’t tell us what he worked on
- Jungkook says he had his hair tied up after the filming/photoshoot he had earlier today
Itulah sejumlah ungkapan dari Jungkook saat Live di YouTube.