Baru-baru ini, BangTan Sonyeondan (BTS) telah mengeluarkan sebuah video dalam channel YouTube BT21 yang membahas soal BT21. Member-member BTS pun membuat banyak penjelasan tentang BT21.
Koya: RM
RJ: Jin
Shooky: Suga
Mang: J-Hope
Chimmy: Jimin
Tata: V
Cooky: Jungkook
Percakapan Member BTS
Sebelum membahas tentang Chimmy yang merupakan boneka BTS untuk Jimin, RM dkk sempat membahas tentang BT21. Ini percakapan mereka:
RM: What has become BT21 did the become Universtar?
Suga: (As a Universtar) They must be absolutely influential by now
Jin: Hopefully, they're spreading a lot of love
Jungkook: We're expecting big things
Suga: We don't know what the future holds for them, but we believe this BT21 animation has created a huge sensation
Tae: We created BTS21 during our most beautiful times, so we have fond memories of you!
Jin: Don't forget about us! We created you. Don't you forget that, okay? (Translate)
RM: Say something to CHIMMY
Jimin: Well, CHIMMY, umm.You looked really lonely before, but now, you're surrounded by friends and it's great to see you so happy! Stay happy and don't lose that smile of your
Tae: Hope you carry cash instead of the harmonica.
Suga: It'll get tough, I mean, being loved by many means, you're also being hated as much, but don't let that drag you down
Tae: Speaking from the heart, haha (Translate)
Love and Hate
RM: Guys, there's only a thin line between love and hate, but don't lose your faith in love
Jimin: Remember that dads have got your back
RM: We love you
Suga: Always be humble
RM: Come on let's give a shout out
BTS: We love you! (Translate)
Itulah percakapan antara member BTS saat membahas tentang BT21. So sweet banget ya?
*Silakan translate sendiri ke dalam bahasa Indonesia sendiri atau klik pada tombol translate yang telah disediakan!