Park Jimin merupakan salah satu anggota BTS yang bulan Oktober ini akan merayakan hari ulang tahunnya. Jimin lahir pada tanggal 13 Oktober 1995 dengan zodiak Libra.
Ucapan Ulang Tahun Jimin
Kali ini, akan memberikan beberapa contoh untuk ucapan ulang tahun kepada Jimin BTS. Berikut ini diantaranya:
1. Happy birthday Jimin, hopefully you can become a more mature figure. We as fans can only wish you the best. We love you.

2. Gosh, I really don't feel like your age continues to grow, Jimin, I hope you become a figure who continues to inspire. We as fans will always pray for you every day. We want you to have the best in life.

3. Jimin !!! Oh, God! Today is a happy one for us. We as fans will always pray for you. We hope you can become a more mature person in the future. Always cheer up!

4. This month, October, you are getting older, as well as the love I have for you. Happy birthday my idol, Jimin!

5. Keep going for Jimin !, Happy Birthday! I wish you the best. Sorry that I can't give you anything but hope and prayers for you. Hopefully the best can always be near you.

Selamat ulang tahun ya Park Jimin!